Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Watford Town …a place to belong, believe, become


Treasury Department

Finances are an integral part of the ministry of the laity. Local church finances are handled by a member of the congregation with business skills elected to the important responsibility of church treasurer.

The history of church treasurers goes back at least to 457 B.C. when Ezra appointed guardians for the funds given for the work in Jerusalem. To those given the care of the Lord’s goods Ezra commanded, “Ye are holy unto the Lord; the vessels are holy also, and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering unto the Lord God of your fathers” Ezra 8:28.

“The care exercised by Ezra in providing for the transportation and safety of the Lord’s treasure teaches a lesson worthy of thoughtful study. Only those whose trustworthiness had been proved were chosen, and they were instructed plainly regarding the responsibility resting on them. In the appointment of faithful officers to act as treasurers of the Lord’s goods, Ezra recognized the necessity and value of order and organization in connection with the work of God” (Ellen G, White, Prophets and Kings, page 617).

Jesus and His travelling band of disciples also had one designated to take charge of their funds. Jesus taught the importance of proper management and integrity in the handling of monies.

If it was important in the days of Ezra and of Christ to have someone to take care of church funds, it is essential today.

The work of the church treasurer is sometimes not recognized as a ministry because it is done behind the scenes. Nevertheless, it is a specialized, vital ministry in which the treasurer exercises his or her spiritual gifts. The whole congregation benefits indirectly from the work of the treasurer.

Each church has two financial administrative roles that are voted in and by each church. They are named, ‘Conference Treasurer’ and ‘Local Treasurer’.

The ‘Conference Treasurer’ processes tithe and offerings received from the local church members and reports directly to the Treasury Department at the South England Conference.

The 'Local Treasurer' is in charge of taking care of local church finances, for example, local church bank accounts and producing regular, financial reports for the local church boards.

As members and regular attendees of the Watford Town Church, there are currently 4 ways of returning tithes and offerings.

1.  A Bank Transfer into the Watford Town Current Account.
If you choose this method, please send an email to the treasury team with a breakdown of the transfer.

Please quote:

1. Your Name:
2. Date of transfer:
3. Amount transferred:
4. Breakdown of transfer:
Ensure to quote if money transferred is tithe or offering and if towards a specific department. (e.g. Sabbath School, Church Building, ADRA etc)

  • Bank Account Name:  Watford Seventh Day Adventist Church
  • Account Number: 50840203
  • Sort Code:  40-45-28
  • Email address to notify of transfer:

2. MobiCash

Watford Town is now set up for the MobiCash mobile app and we have now received our church QR code. 
You can now start using the App by:

1. Downloading the MobiCash application via the app store or play store
2. Follow the registration process
3. Add a bank or Apple Pay/Google Pay to MobiCash
4. Scan the QR Code to the right
5. You will then be able to make a donation to Watford Town's account anytime and anywhere.

If you have any questions, please call Local Treasurer Nadine Samuel on 07908 645 457

3.  Direct Payment to the SEC
SEC treasury will now accept card payments Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm each week.  Please contact 01923 232728 and ask for the treasury department.

4. Home Collection

Members who cannot use any of the options suggested can request to continue to use Tithe & Offering envelopes and we can arrange home collection.  Please contact Elder Ben Cudjoe on 07739 429 907 he will arrange a convenient date and time to collect your tithe and offerings.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you already return your tithes to the SEC directly, you can continue to do so.

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